
Preparation of Master Plan for Pourashavas under District Towns Infrastructure Development Project (DTIDP), Package-SO2.

Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)

Location:Chuadanga Municipality in Kulna, Kurigram Municipality in Rangpur and Naogaon & Natore Municipality in Rajshahi; Bangladesh.

Timeframe:May 2008 - December 2011

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) is undertaken in District Towns Infrastructure Development Project (DTIDP) in preparing Master Plan of 23 district level pourashavas, which is include Land Use Plan, Traffic Management Plan, Drainage and Environmental Plan and Ward Action Plan. At present these Pourashava Towns do not have proper Master Plan. In the absence of proper Master Plan construction of all types of infrastructure like houses, roads, drains, markets are going on unabated in an unplanned pattern. This situation is creating an adverse milieu in the original landscape thereby creating environmental hazards. The main objective of this Master Plan is to find out development issues and potential of the pourashavas and prepare a multi-sector short and long term investment plan through participatory process for better living standards by identifying area based priority needs specific plan as per requirement in accordance with the principle of sustainability. Prepare a 2