
Preparation of Land use/ Master Plans for Baliadangi Upazila of Thakurgan Zila

Client: Urban Development Directorate (UDD)

Location:Baliadangi Upazila of Thakurgan Zila, Rangpur; Bangladesh.

Timeframe:March 1989 - May 1990

For better utilization of land, people and natural resources in rural areas and for development of agriculture, economic, health, industries, transportation, education, infrastructure, rural electrification, social amenities etc. the upazila has been recognised as the most significant tier of administration. To achieve these goals, Government has decided to prepare land use plan of the upazila shahars, which will act as a guideline for the physical and economic development of the town and hinterland. In the light of above circumstances, the objectives of the present project were to prepare a land use plan for the upazila shahars for the yea 2000 A. D. considering the medium rate of growth and represents findings of land use, socio-economic survey and survey of core area. In programming and implementing the land use plan provides guidelines regarding priority actions, phasing, urban deferred, development control, monitoring, review etc.